
Soul Seed Gathering

A Hello - Our Slow Down and Emerging

Published 12 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Dear Community,

How are you out there?

We’ve been silent for sometime as we’ve slowed down to listen, and respond to, what Soul Seed Gathering has been asking us to evolve into behind-the-scenes… we have so much to share and, we’re not quite ready to announce all yet!

You can definitely get a sense of some of it here

So much of this journey has required patience, which is difficult in this fast-paced world.

But, this is also a gift we’ve been given by being self-and-community funded and-supported thus far. Thank you for being here with us.

We’ve had to take our time to learn how to:

  • research, and understand how that research is changing us.
  • prepare to receive stories, hold stories, and the protocols to share stories.
  • wait for right invitations, build true relationships and follow the guidance we’ve been given.
  • build ourselves into a functioning business - and still learning!
  • best to give — with profit-for-purpose initiatives directly to support our indigenous partners on the ground.

What we’ve learnt is — that we love and appreciate it this way.

For the ability to truly learn by being intentional, make mistakes - and have time to integrate them, to draw wisdom from them - and grow stronger through each cycle and season.

To be ready for this time where Soul Seed is showing us who she wants us to be, to support her mission and vision.

Where we create intimacy, more than just asking for money from you — we are a community, or even more so a family, that cares about this research and storytelling, supporting and learning with indigenous female leaders, and gathering together across the world to grow and weave the change we all care about.

We are here to attract a community that is with us for the right reasons.

This is a different form of economy, and while we now have 501c3 status with our fiscal sponsor Empowerment Works — we also firmly stand outside of the non-profit industrial complex, often run on scarcity, saviorism and stress.

We believe the energy and intention infused with each exchange and act of giving is more important than the amount. We are building a complete eco-system to support reciprocity and on-going relationships.

If you are someone who is able to support financially, or otherwise, and are interested in joining our Community-Generated Fund at this exciting moment of our evolution please respond to this email or learn more here. We have many beautiful threads weaving and calling for support now.


We are re-launching back into the world officially July/August with many things to share with you all 🥰

Stay tuned as we slowly share more on the run-up…

With so much love to where you are,

The Soul Seed Team

Soul Seed Gathering

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